Dissemination of results
Dissemination strategy:
- The annual Iron Gates Natural Park week, every April will be organized drawing and photography exhibitions and guided field work lessons for children.
- A series of lessons organized in schools located in SPA area and surroundings.
- Guided field work in Iron Gates Natural Park wetlands occasioned by events such as “World Wetlands Day”, “World Water Day”, “Earth Day”, “World Environment Day” and “Iron Gates Natural Park Day”.
- Essays and drawing contests with a theme “Wetlands and their importance for wildlife and community” addressed to children from wetlands surroundings communities.
- Meetings with local stakeholders, one meeting in every locality, in order to connect with local community and to improve the level of understanding of conservation needs in their area. Informative meetings are prefigured in all localities (Divici, Belobresca, Pojejena, Susca, Măcești, Moldova Nouă, Coronini, Sichevița, Liubcova, Dubova, Berzeasca, Eșelnița și Orșova).
- Two workshops organized together with other LIFE Nature project beneficiaries and stakeholders within Iron Gates Natural Park (organized every year on 22nd of February for World Wetlands Day) (a number of 20 guests per seminar). The main subject of discussion with stakeholders will be about applying effective conservation measures in Iron Gates Natural Park wetlands. The talks with other SPA administrators will be on actual trends in wetlands management with a special focus on sites located in transboundary regions (i.e. with representatives of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, the Mures Floodplain Natural Park, Cefa-Biharugra Fishponds, The Upper Tisa Valley, Lower Prut Floodplain, LIFE Green Borders).
Scientific dissemination
Argument. Presenting the project within scientific events and consultation with the scientific community will provide the dissemination of project results in scientific communities. This way, activities with a positive impact on wetlands, especially the ways to involve the local stakeholders will be available for the public.
- Closing event. Wetlands Management of Lower Danube (a 3 days event, with 40 guests, participation at national and international level with scientific session (oral communication and posters), workshop with topics involving stakeholders in wetlands restoration and education in wetlands and a field trip for demonstrative purpose).
- Participation at national and international scientific conferences with oral presentations and posters in order to disseminate the project results to scientific community. Presentations and posters will target local stakeholders.
- Publishing scientific papers on following topics: bird population status, wetlands restoration, pygmy cormorant telemetry, wetlands including local stakeholders in Nature 2000 administration.