Ecological Restoration of Wetlands

Creating resting platforms for pygmy cormorants. To increase the number of pygmy cormorant in area of project, 100 resting platforms will be installed on Danube, especially in Gurile Nerei, Calinovat, Moldova Noua, Cozla, Liuborajdea. They will be placed until August 2013 ;( a number of 7-12 cormorants can occupy one platform)

Stimulating pygmy cormorant colonization. The resting platforms will have cormorant decoys in drying position. The decoys will have the function to attract pygmy cormorants on these spaces.

Elimination of Nevison vison species in the areas used for feeding and resting by pygmy cormorant.

Satellite tracking of 10 cormorants using PTTArgos systems. The movements of the cormorants will be tracked and analyzed for the first time in this area. Collected data will provide information on cormorants’ flyways, habitat use, threats, etc.

Eliminating invasive trees species (Robinia pseudoaccacia, Rhus hirta and Alianthus altissima).will is realized by identifying growth areas, tree marking, cutting, extraction and transportation to warehouse areas. Furthermore, leaves and seeds will be collected and burnt to reduce dissemination possibilities. The wood will be donated to schools located in the area of project.

Enlarging riparian habitats area 91E0* and 92A0. In order to enlarge the surface area of communitarian interest habitats in Gurile Nerei, Calinovat, Moldova Noua, Divici-Pojejena, Liuborajdea 55 ha will be planted with Salix alba. After removal of invasive species, the trees will be planted following a plan designed by the beneficiary in 3 planting steps. (1st year planting, 2nd and 3rd year maintaining).