Geographic Information System Management


Geographic Information Systems are one of the most important tools for conservation projects as they provide a spatial view on use of natural resources and territorial development. The use of this system will make data (maps, database and spatial information) to be more accessible using the web, allowing users to create selection and interrogations without having GIS software or having GIS knowledge.

Conservation activities of wetlands in the project area involve certain concerned parts and institutions, from land owners to governmental administrators, water management system administrators, managers of fishing and hunting touristic activities, local administration for spatial planning and also charge of national politics. They will be able to access useful information that enables to choose solutions that won’t affect biological diversity. The system will be used in educational system as educational tool for conservation, wetlands ecology and geography. System implementation for Natura 2000 sites is a first step in creating opportunities to promote the best conservation practices of wetlands of Romania.

The WebGIS system will be a support for conservation and monitoring activities. The project team will integrate information on wetlands in the spatial database so this will track in real time the conservation actions in their spatial and sequential aspect. Moreover the system will be a monitoring tool since will allow a comparison of result of conservation measures actions. In this system will be integrated data on cormorants tracking and data on presence and range of aquatic species. All the information will be available on a secured webpage which will be available to project partners.

A section will be dedicated of public interest with data on areas under certain restrictions and conservation measures that will be applied during the project and it will be a tool to disseminate the project results.

Stages of implementation

  • Procurement/purchasing the technical infrastructure and the software for the interactive maps server.
  • Producing the web portal, application, installing and testing the software.
  • Collecting environmental data to complete the wetlands database: (geology, hydrological parameters, cadaster plans, species distribution, ecotoxicity data, data on project success, concerned parts, conflict ranges, between local population and target species, feeding areas etc.).
  • Data standardization according INSPIRE Directive and taking decisions on dividing data in public dates – for all public and secured data – available only for main interested parts (having a direct interest in the area).
  • Continuous updating of data during project execution, producing maps available for interested parts (ex. fishing areas, suggested development plans, improving infrastructure, availability of food resources, scenarios and conservation measures needed).
  • Maintaining and updating the system during and after finalizing the LIFE project.