Information for local communities

To disseminate the objectives, the actions and results of the project but also to increase public awareness, a good communication strategy between partners involved in project and local communities will be accomplished. Those actions will promote the management plan policies and the conservation efforts.

The promotional materials will also support the conception of a brand identity for the wetlands within Iron Gates Natural Park as a host for bird species and habitats.

  • Press release. In order to disseminate project results, every major event (project start, project end, milestones, educational events and filed trips, etc.) press releases will be sent to main local and regional media institutions and the national media channels.
  • Project objectives leaflet will be distributed in the project area with the specific aim to promote the project.
  • The Project Website. The minimum content of website will include: project description, project documents, updates on project stages, news and photo gallery, data update, links and sub-pages on IAS , the Iron Gates Natural Park and SPAs description.
  • Web sub pages for Invasive Alien Species as a tool to reduce the invasive aliens’species impact on wetlands. A web page will be dedicated for invasive alien species in Iron Gates Natural Park. The web page structure will include a description of invasive species, their range and kies for identifying, management measures for IAS within Iron Gates Natural Park, agencies and staff for reporting and elimination, etc.
  • Layman Report, 5-10 pages edited in English and Romanian, designated to non specialists, stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • Project information panels. In order to disseminate the project objectives, 5 large visible panels will be installed in the key working sites (Bazias, Divici-Pojejena, Calinovat, Moldova Noua, Liborajdea) and at the Caras-Severin Environmental Protection Agency headquarter. The information panels will include project objectives and activities in site, information on the project beneficiary and partners, funding institutions.
  • Project information posters with project objectives and activities will be displayed in schools, town halls and other key points within project site.
  • Project business communication tools – business cards, notebooks, and pocket folders with logo and project name, pens.
  • Nature trails will be set up within Divici-Pojejena wetlands and two educational panels indicating the vegetation, bird species, and threats on wetlands will be placed in the area.
  • Designing, editing, producing and distributing postcards (Pygmy Cormorant, Ferruginous duck, 3 types of habitats, wetlands map), with specific threats to species/habitat.
  • Designing a complex map of wetlands.
  • Designing a brochure: Birds and habitats of Iron Gates wetlands – a tool for birds and habitats identification.
  • Designing a brochureIron Gates wetlands – threats and conservation measures.
  • Small scale visitor center: located in Eselnita, two rooms will be restored and equipped to promote the SPAs. The visitor center will be opened until 30.12.2013. The visitor center will be designated for local inhabitants (especial children) and tourists. All the material produced in the project will be available at the visitor center. After the project will be ended, the Visitor Center will be under maintenance by an IGNPA ranger and CCMESI staff.
  • Producing an educational package used for dissemination in local schools.
  • Educational movie – Iron Gates Wetlands.
  • Designing, editing, producing and distributing the dissemination brochure that will contain topics on: fishing, wetlands and local communities, tourism and agriculture in Natura2000 protected areas.
  • Banners with a message describing the SPAs characteristics, they will be displayed at the both entrances of 6 localities in the project area.