LIFE 740

The project LIFE10 NAT/RO/740 – Improving the conservation status for the priority species and habitats in the Iron Gates wetlands is financed by European Commission through DG Environment.

The project objectives are:

  • Improving the conservation status of priority bird species {{1}} (especially Phalacrocorax pygmeus and Aythya nyroca) by restoring wintering, nestling and feeding habitats.
  • Improving the conservation status of priority habitats through demonstrative actions of removing aquatic and riverside invasive species.
  • Enforcing a state of the art early warning system for invasive alien species in the ROSPA0026 Danube water course Bazias – Iron Gates.
  • Increasing public awareness on the importance of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0026 Danube water course Bazias – Iron Gates.




[[1]] european endangered, rare and endemic species.[[1]]