Action plan

A series of studies were performed within the project LIFE10 NAT/RO/000740 between January 2012 and February 2013. The studies aimed to characterise the starting point for the ROSPA00026 Danube Water Course Baziaș – Iron Gates and dealt with: physical-chemical characterisation of the water in the Iron Gates wetlands (right photo – format pdf, external link), assessing the eutrophication degree of the Danube river (format pdf, external link), assessing the degradation sources of Danube River in the Romanian sector of wetlands (format pdf, external link), elaborating a set of vital signs to be used in monitoring wetlands, herpetofauna assessment (format pdf, external link), wetlands flora and habitats assessment (format pdf, external link).

By analysing the information from these studies, and also those available from other sources, an action plan was established with the aim of stopping the loss of biodiversity in the Iron Gates Natural Park wetlands. The plan includes actions funded through the LIFE10 NAT/RO/000740 project, but also future actions to be implemented by the interested parties. It is a working tool for the Iron Gates Natural Park administration and other institutions active in the area (e.g. EPA Caraș-Severin, EPA Mehedinți, University of Bucharest – Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies, local and regional authorities, private companies, Romanian Waters etc.) that can use it to develop their own projects that will contribute to stopping the biodiversity loss.

The plan was discussed with the stakeholders, their feedback resulting in significant improvements to the initial draft plan. The Scientific Council of the Iron Gates Natural Park approved the plan in its final form on April 2013. The plan is available here.