Raising awareness
Educational materials created for local communities had the aim of disseminating project objectives, activities and results, but also to raise public awareness in what regards the wetlands. The materials support the identity of the Iron Gates Natural Park wetlands, as host for unique bird species and habitats.
- Press releases.
- Project objectives leaflet (2000 RO, 1000 EN) distributed in the project area.
- Information panels about the project – 5 highly visible panels were installed in key locations (Baziaș, Divici-Pojejena, Calinovăț, Moldova Nouă, Liborajdea) and the EPA Caraș-Severin headquarter. The panels included project objectives, activities in the area, information on the project beneficiary and funding organisations.
- Information posters on the project (1000 RO, 1000 EN) presenting project objectives and activities were displayed in schools, town halls and other important spots from the project area.
- Branding and communication materials – Business cards, notebooks, folders, pens with project name, number and logo.
- Project webpage – www.cormoran.portiledefier.ro. The website includes: project description, documents related to the project, news&updates, photo galleries, pages for allochthonous invasive species, description of the natural park and Natura 2000 site ROSPA0026.
- Webpage for invasive species – www.portiledefier.ro/ias/. A key instrument in reducing invasive species impact on the wetlands. The site includes invasive species description, identification keys, spatial distribution, management measures for invasive species in the Iron Gates Natural Parl, institutions and people responsible for reporting and eliminating them etc.
- 3000 leaflets presenting solutions for eliminating invasive trees species – Ailanthus altissima and Amorpha fruticosa.
- 2 educational trails were established in the wetlands from Divici-Pojejena and Ostrovul Moldova Veche.
- 22 educational panels (11 pieces – Bird species in the Iron Gates wetlands, 11 pieces – Habitats from the Iron Gates wetlands) describing the vegetation, bird species, habitats and threats were distributed in the schools from the project area (Sichevița, Berzasca, Socol, Pojejena, Moldova Nouă, Coronini, Liubcova, Svinița, Eșelnița, Orșova, Gura Văii).
- Postcards (3000 pieces pygmy cormorant, 3000 pieces Ferruginous duck, 3000 pieces x 3 types of habitats, 3000 pieces wetlands map), mentioning the threats characteristic to the species/habitat.
- 2000 pieces – complex map of the Iron Gates wetland.
- 1000 brochures – Birds and habitats of the Iron Gates wetland – a tool for identifying birds and habitats.
- 1000 brochures – Iron Gates wetland – threats and conservation measures.
- 1000 brochures – Fishing, wetlands and local communities in Natura 2000 sites.
- 1000 brochures – Tourism in Natura 2000 sites.
- Visitation centre in Eșelnița, where two rooms where renovated and equipped for promoting the protected area. The visitation centre targets mainly local people (especially kidds) and tourists. All the materials produced within the project are also available here.
- 500 educational packages for dissemination in the local schools (colour books and story books for children).
- Educational movie – Iron Gates wetland.
- 6 Banners signalising the SPA existence in the area; they were installed in key villages from the project areas.
- Layman report available to wide public in Romanian and English.
- Educational campaign in 9 schools from the Iron Gates wetland (Sichevița, Berzasca, Socol, Pojejena, Moldova Nouă, Coronini, Svinița, Eșelnița, Orșova). The project team provided presentations on the wetlands (characteristics, benefits, threats and solutions) for pupils (1st – 12th grades) și profesori.
- Meetings with stakeholders from the wetlands communities – Divici, Belobreșca, Pojejena, Șușca, Măcești, Moldova Nouă, Coronini, Sichevița, Liubcova, Dubova, Berzeasca, Eșelnița and Orșova, in order to improve the level of understanding in what concerns the conservation needs in the area.
- Two workshops organised together with other LIFE projects beneficiaries, regarding the Iron Gates Natural Park wetlands. Main topics with parties involved were those focused on applying effective conservation measures.